My siblings and I call my grandfather “The Colonel”. What can you tell us based off his awards?
Civilians Gather Around B-17 That Crash Landed Near Aachen Germany, February 1944
Most Loyal Fanbases in the ACC
P0117 code and possible overheating?
Does anyone know what this sound is?
Sports Science Minor at NC State?
Airbag light comes on but only when it’s like less than 50° outside. Anyone have this problem?
I posted a while back about some rust on an 85 vert that was my grandpa’s and just got around to pulling the motor. Is this a punt? I’ve been emailing body/resto shops in my area and non want to even touch it.
Oh no bro
Shot Out Barrel Saturday
Just rolled into the shop for an AC conversion..
No Step Back | Teaser Trailer
Need help with identifying Shovel
I updated my PC and now Desktop on both monitors is flickering and pc is unusable
Burning lands
An old Russian man, clinging to his old uniform, shortly before his death, 1980s(?)
Freud was a STEP ahead of his time
How did a Garand end up there?
Captain Pavel Bekoev of the Soviet 177th Spetsnaz Detachment with a captured M1 Garand in Afghanistan, 1986. His comrade has a PBS1 silencer on his rifle. [960x673]
Oh how the turn tables
What do you absolutely fucking hate hearing?
5 foot is the norm
Kara Mufasa moment
F that netflix. It's all about love.. it's all about love tonight!
Hello, I was helping my beardie out with his femoral pores and I was wondering what those black spots on his lower belly are.
Update: The ring I found earlier this year has been identified as late medieval dating around 1450. Due to its age and material I am obliged to report it and auction it to museums.