"I'm going to try not building boxes this time!"
Harvesting a guys lungs and kidney allows me to buy a mega screen tv.
What music do you listen to while grinding?
If you have a prosthetic heart, which costs 230 Silver, you can install it to obtain the more valuable organic heart, which costs 1200 Silver
Veteran mode?
My first 4LP unique
Thank you Council Member for your sacrifice
Do Runes of Ascendance have a chance to roll maximum values on stats?
We Lost a commander not a Soldier boys💔
What's up with the shooting in this game
im scared help (screenshots are hard)
Poe 2 shows me that making the process of killing monsters satisfying is enough to get me hooked.
So one day, for no particular reason, I started running.
Clearly at some time
Finally have my own 5 skelly necro head...
Any way to consistently get bears?
Some units, forms or possible transformations I'd love to see make a comeback.
Forms I'd love much more to have
This mod EVERYONE must have
One of best mods has just released!
Is there any zero action point movement skill that can be crafted at item forge?
Buying AOW4 on Steam
Just got shredded by Toll of Seasons attack
Is this the safest and best way to deal with the toxic waste quest?
You will not laugh, you will not cry. You will learn by the numbers (1 spell power), I will teach you!