A debit card skimmer at a shady convenience store
Time keeps on slipping…Me at 21 and at 55
Third-Person view or First-Person?
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter... 1973, 1985,1987,1999,2007, 2014 & 2025..last week my 54th birthday...
16 and 51.
Today’s daily sign of getting old
DAE remember My Pet Monster?
This amazing album turns 20 this year, from Gen X punk/rockers Green Day.
Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Helping to teach Big A.I. Systems
15/16 ——-> 51 years old
Best Skooma Names
What are your top 8 favorite things to do in Skyrim for fun?
Favorite play Style
Does aging feel suffocating?
GenX Bathroom Reading Material
That would explain most of my issues
Question for the group
"You Fargan Iceholes!"
Dont mess with eminem
Feeling sooooo old
Jumping on the bandwagon
Been thinking a lot lately about all the things I’ll never experience again…
Y’all prefer werewolves or vampires?
What was your life altering “GenX” moment?
Me at 17 and now at 57