Is it true Jefferson/Monticello neighborhood looks nicer than Stone Oak?
Is 31 to 35 years too old to be called mijo by random older Hispanic women?
Is this rude to tell a older Hispanic woman don't call me sir but I tell her you look like an illegal immigrant to her face?
Is this rude to tell a older Hispanic woman don't call me sir but I say you look like an illegal immigrant to her ?
Is this rude to to tell a older Hispanic woman don't call me sir but I tell her are you a mojada?
Is this to tell a older Hispanic woman don't call me sir and I tell her are you a mojada?
Is it rude to tell a random older Hispanic woman please don't call me sir call me mijo instead?
Is this rude to tell a random older Hispanic woman don't call me sir please call me mijo?
A older man called me Joven in Spanish? I'm 35 years old, is that normal?
Is it normal to be called Joven at 35? A older Hispanic man called me Joven in Spanish
Is 35 years old still a Jovenbin Spanish? A older man call me Joven a month ago
Is 35 years old still a Joven in Spanish? A older man called me Joven a month ago
Is 35 years old still a Joven in Spanish? a older man called me Joven a month ago
Why do older Mexican women from Mexico call me mijo more often while older Mexican American women call me sir? Why the difference?
Sorry for this second post but I've noticed older Mexican immigrant women call me mijo more often and older Mexican American women call me sir more often? Why the difference?
Latter Day Saint church classifies 35 as young single adult is that accurate? Young single adults are 18 to 35 in my church
Is 35 still considered young? My Latter Day Saint church classifies young single adults as 18 to 35 years old
Is 35 still considered young?
Is 35 years old still considered young adult?
Is it bad to tell a older Hispanic woman call me "mijo" instead of sir?
This great grandma she was Mexican mestizo(European and indigenous American) does she look more like her indigenous ancestors or European ancestors?
This is my great grandma she is mestizo Mexican (Spaniard and indigenous American) does she look more like her indigenous ancestors or European ancestors?
Will older Hispanic women get offended if I tell them to call me mijo instead of sir?