Is there anyway I can cut off the over extruded bits of this part so that it's smooth across the surface? Any help would be appreciated!
Help with multiple joints
Request for a 3D printed assistive switch in Kingston ON
Lug (non-continuous) threads
Request for a 3D printed assistive device in St. Catherines
Music with MP3-TF-16P in the background?
Looking for someone with access to a laser cutter (for acrylic) to cut an assistive device.
Looking for someone with access to a laser cutter (for acrylic) to cut an assistive device
Looking for someone that has access to a laser cutter (for acrylic) to cut an assistive device
Looking for someone to build a simple assistive switch in Edmonton
Looking for someone near Nerepis NB to 3D print an assistive device
Looking for someone to 3D print an assistive device in Hamilton
Jets fans, you booing the US anthem at the next home game?
[Update] I redisgned the module. Thank you all for your help
Help me support my kid, please!
Recommendations for a bonded moving/packing company
Best Approach for Modeling This Razor
How to reference one sketch from another?
Easiest way to show values via web
Fusion help
Building a plushie and picking components for it
Furniture modeling best practices
How to build a "Fridgebeats"
Is there an IDE for developing Arduino sketches with good debugging tools?
Ideas for Arduino School Project