Happy St Patick's Day ☘️☘️
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Who is your favorite Irish actor?
Name a movie you like that starred a singer.
PLS deinfluence me !
Describe this character in one word
What is the greatest one-liner in movie history?
This Black Watch tartan check tweed jacket is my favourite statement piece. Show me your own statement piece, if you have one!
Waving the winter goodbye 👋🏼 and concluding the coat season with my short pea coat outfit
So frustrating!
What does my fridge say about me?
Who here is over 45? Do you stand by being CF?
Sociological observation of Poshmark as a buyer and seller (rant)
Dancing with lightning
Runaway shopping cart veers directly into an elderly woman
If aliens landed and demanded one movie to understand humanity, what are you showing them?
Who is your all time favorite female bad ass character?
Hello MapQuest, my old friend
Sellers Not Selling
Favorite original motion picture soundtrack? Mine will always be The Last of The Mohicans(1992)
Three-Month Low Buy
Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Women submerged five sets of her fine china underwater before evacuating due to fires in Northern California in 2018.
Who is the Best Child Actor Ever? I Think Haley Joel Osment is a Good Candidate.
the Kardashians being natural