Why are 90 rated cards so expensive? More than 91 and 82 rated cards.
witch one is better?
So I've had this bug since the start of the game when sometimes my game just freezes at this exact point on this training event. Anyone else have this?
I just packed Huijsen twice in 5 minutes. But is he even worth ranking up and using instead of ferdinand?
Best 105 CAM?
People who have this attack are the most emote spamming kick off glitch abusing trash.
Which skill points should I go for on Matthaus?
Why the Cruyff and other cards are disappointing to you...
So this guy was spamming emotes when he equalised in manager mode. Great success.
I warned yall about cruyff, but yall didn’t listen
Drop your pulls from 104-107
These mystery gifts are trash.
Best Goalkeeper?
Should I get carvajal or Petit with 500 tokens?
Can someone explain to me that Cruyff doesn't often make runs and lazy in positioning? I'm playing double ST, even my HOL Ronaldo makes more runs than him
P2W people you all should try this team . It is surprising good
I just scored this, sorry if it was against you. I'd be fuming lmao
Is the TOTY 105 Rodri a steal now, with Lowe price and almost same sta
In general who is better Ginola 105 or Jairzinho 105
What's the highest you've got from the Daily Quest?
You can ask any questions you have from the players here. I can tell you the pros and cons.
Why isn't he getting an upgrade
How should i improve my team?? I was thinking about improving my midfielders or defenders, but who???
Bale or Cruyff? (Open to other suggestions)