I have a small army of low grade shrimplets! What do I do??
How is this dude real
Redid my 150ml scape
I bought a 14 gal tank on accident. And idk what to do
Need some advice!!!
Visiting San Diego soon. Need answers.
Nandor the Relentless on the prowl! Did your view on long finned bettas change after getting a plakat?
Finally cycled, what will eat this algae?
Plant recs for this 11 gallon long?
Online shrimp shopping fail
Should I be worried about this white stuff on my shrimps faces
Three aquariums is my limit . I know it’s not text book stock but just happened this way throughout the years. I saved a couple batches of fry and raised. Some survived in the rocks.
Is my betta being a "bully"?
What are these white little dots in my fish tank on the glass?
Anyone know what type of bully he is?
What is this?
too much hardscape? 😅
The one where Crescent, Nevernight and Aurora get a new home
One year ago my black knife was injured and with help from here it is now almost double it's size and healthy
What is this dark green glibber?
No Clue What Started This
My only meaningful tattoo in my mums handwriting and the tattooer in a legit shop scarred me so bad
Went on a bike ride on Sunday. Gotta love San Diego county
WHAT is this white goo we sometimes find in our pasture. It drives our dog INSANE! Seems to be more common in the treed area. Alberta Canada
Random guy pre wrote a paper in my hand and asked for 3 wishes, they were all written