$332M short on BTC
Gibt es hier gute Trader die Copytrading anbieten (ohne Rachehebel) bin zu faul und keine Zeit fürs Trading
Gleich entscheidet der Deutsche Bundestag, ob ich dieses Jahr Sommerurlaub mache. (15er Hebel, 17800€ investiert)
Bitcoin Rachehebel
Is kaspa mining dead?
PSA: BlockDAG is not a real coin, nor are these "Kaspa killers" you see on Google. They are nothing more than a scam article that is designed to trick noobs into buying this legendary "BlockDAG". Guess what, this BlockDAG coin has been in "pre-sale" for the last 4 YEARS.
Just published an interview with Kaspa.com
When will we move from "meme coins" to "best tech coins" in crypto?😊
Can Kaspa (KAS) Realistically Hit $50?
Will crypto be relevant in 5-10 years or will quantum computing will take over?
Are we going to the moon today?
New whale wallet #10 purchases 200,000,000 Kaspa coins, immediately climbing to the top 10 holders. Anonymous, nobody knows them, could be exchange or whale just like wallet #4. HODL!
How can we all together market and push Kaspa?
wieso zerstören sich die amis grade selbst?
People don't like the Truth
Freundin hat mich verlassen, will morgen Rachehebel zünden
For people who say Kaspa doesn't need marketing
Is the hard fork and listing really going to save us?
Kaspa Mining Hosting Services
Help make sense of this
Wallet #4 +19,689,993 Kas
To buy Kaspa or Not?
10 BPS + Voted Best Project
What’s the best way to buy in the U.S.?