Nostalgic Sri Lankan Fried Rice From The Past (99-2002)
Would this uncle creepy you out
Is fade haircuts considered indecent in Sri Lanka?
What's the most weird insect/animal that has bitten you?
What idiot shark bit off the submarine cables 😂😂
What are some small things that Sri Lankans do that irritate you ?
Anyone knows a good place to buy genuine Flash drives. Not those 2TB for Rs1000 Bs
Walk into lymhurst and
I think it’s crazy that we finish each others sandwiches
how tf is prince toad harder to beat than ereden💀
Why are Sri Lankan asses dark (No Joking)
How do i put myself for adoption
Did you manage to save Lambert?
I guess I live on outer space 😏
Combat Fame
The person cheated and used a shield against my dagger pair
What's this ?? It's been hours why isn't it working it updated yesterday and now it's showing this again
East server connection issues is not resolved
Can't switch chat tabs on mobile anymore. Is anyone else facing this problem?
What is your experience on CEB App
What’s with the awful fake accents radio hosts use?
Plot in Asia server
WTS account on Europe
Bloodletter + offhand for farming aspects