What can I do ? Problem with exes about HPV
It’s been a year since the HPV and LSIL diagnose
Hype about tall guys
How bad is pickpocketing in Europe?
I'm a specialist in Cytotechnology ask me anything
Did getting a Master Degree improved your career?
Moving to Copenhagen but partner is hesitating
Advice on Yasmin
Decided to stop OP but I’m terrified
My(21F) Boyfriend(22M) is very touchy with his female friends. Am I oberreacting or is it too much?
For the people who’ve already given the test - what were your topics for writing part 2 and speaking
I got my results today and I’m more than pleased.
what to do with "to what extend do u agree or disagree" essay type
Does getting fit makes you attractive for girls?
Would you stop working forever in exchange for 3 million pounds
I keep getting rejected by men I genuinely like
Boyfriend( 27 M) wants to put camera in my( 28 F) room
Do women just get to have gynecologist checkups?
What are your 2024 dating intentions/goals?
GF is mad because I went to the movies with a friend
Should i break up with her
How important is sex to you? Would you date an asexual for example?
“You’re a strong woman I knew you’d be okay?
In 2023 what’s the main reason you think relationships fail?