Any ideas
Part time or 1099?
Any pictures of your first meet and greet?
Is it a Tundra thing?’
Young lawyer looking to change paths— advice needed. Thank you.
Paralegal Problem
Obsessed with Daughter’s Freinds
I hate phone calls. Please just email me.
How do you choose what case to cite when you’re citing to a basic rule that there’s no dispute about and is discussed in umpteen cases? (e.g., the elements of X are, X is a question of law, etc.)
What’s the hiring market like in your practice area or city/state?
Pep talk
What career would you choose if money was no object?
Does anyone still experience excitement?
Who here makes 6 figures a year or more?
How did you get your first Rolex?
Pool Decking Repair
Starting from zero knowledge of how to practice law…how did you become a successful attorney?
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years”
WTF Mercedes Benz
Credit Question
I’ll just let it go to zero so my wife gets nothing in the divorce
Does this sound reasonable as a bonus proposal?
Do you ever have to apologize for "lawyering" up a regular conversation in your non-work life?
Launched Solo Firm 1 month ago