Elite/Expert/Master cases are 0/3 since 2 weeks
finished all the missions in one ~ 2 weeks, now what?
Include secure container with Season Pass
What’s everyone using for the event? [Discussion]
[Screenshot] Infection has spread to the rest of the map
[Bug] XP from quests not sticking
Arena is not bad, but MAN, STARTING A GAME IS A PITA [feedback]
New player 140 hours in opinion
Can't click on the "New Game" button, i can't even start the game
News from dev team
every single time i stop moving...
So i was waiting hours to get into the game, and WillerZ just updated the game, and went in with no problem....
IMO Caliber+ for 29 EUR is insta buy
Caliber's dev team is amazing.
Caliber for PS5
I've wonder why this game has such a low playerbase. I have a suggestion (for the devs)
Balance changes coming this patch 0.22.
Non of us say it loud, so i do it
Since the developers aren't communicate with the community, i have a few questions, maybe im missing something.
I was stop playing RC since a year, and i just realised still no new Rogue in the game
Best game mode to grind out the Battle Pass?
The double credit gain event feels like its how the game should be 100% of the time
Double credits June 21st - 28th
Best build on Shersheret? (lvl 12)