Name ideas and help I would like old person name
The pain (Still haven't found shiny flabebe by the way)
Not what I was hunting for but I’ll take it
I think my registeel just died…
Can anyone help me find affordable clothing??
What kind of music annoys you?
Coping with smells
Trouble with hoarding
Chews for hammy
Help with shiny rayquaza
How do i dress in cold weather?
Need help with picking
struggling with touch- Can i have some advice or help?
Im not sure where else to post this please help.
I dont know what to do
What happens if i do this
My hamster died
Bump on hamster's mouth
Quite a few questions.
Getting really bloated
Struggling to stop eating so much.
Im eating too much
Im worrying too much...
How should i color this?