My pvp skills are still booty
Do people camp bunker on Livonia?
I'm a baby killer, will you bully me?
What happen to most servers ?
It feels so good
official loot rn
First Kill from Wipe
Shoutout to the 1pp players
Any tips on how to get more kills/damage? I'm trying to get the 4k damage badge and 20 kills badge.
How’s my guy looking so far?
My stash has been found!!
What could I do better in terms of pvp
Is anyone else horrified of other people when playing RDO or am I just insane
Sometimes having no fov slider on console felt like punishment
If you have a Prestige 100, please open this !
Are there a lot of you running without a Microphone?
Making my way to nadbor
Is this an Original Original or Fake Canada Goose?
Any chill servers I could join on community?
Just started any tips for a solo player
Previous day z post
I thought that was meant to happen till after the whole cutscene played out
What keeps you playing?
Merry Christmas Everyone 🎄
You're hired as it's lawyer. Defend it.