It’s time to debate counterplay to ice barrage (Dragonfire Potion)
I was banned for cheating - and I've never used cheats
Unfairly banned for 'Use of cheats' (UPDATE)
Fighter Hat (or)
Thoughts on what to do with this screw, I just noticed it when I was going to get in the car
What is the most frightening sound you've ever heard?
Teams meeting right now to decide whether Zywoo and Ropz should be allowed to play on the same team
I just started the game and when i pulled i got these. Is this normal or am I just really lucky
What’s the strongest card?
Even the most divided team unites when they see big head
It's Honestly Crazy The Shit This Stuff Can Make You Do.
BTW Glitch Abusing Will Probably Get You Banned
Are bots in ranked or just standard bc this is getting ridiculous
anyone of u guys became successfull in youtube?? i want to know how did u become successful in that and what tactics did u put into the work??
Remember to edit your Steam review
I compiled 1 tip for Spider, Axon, Chum
This is the reason i keep playing and starting to get addicted
Prediction: this is where ep 11 ends:
Peeetah help
Anyone else’s hayfever already started?!
Russian mother of dead soldier received Meat Processor as gift from local authorities
I missed my day 69 "nice," so can I get one for say 690 instead?
F18, with medical issues and recently disowned and homeless.