What's your favorite voice line when you respawn after dying?
Every canon 'swimsuit' skin I found for each character. Can't wait for summer event.
What is your Main problem with Marvel Rivals?
I collected the netherstones, now everyone is hostile
What sort of brain-dead simpleton would choose to specialize in frost magic, in a land where most people are resistant to it?
What is the least terrifying Ult to hear?
Oh boy! We all know what this means! Space Vietnam is coming back!
Why is Spider-Man getting banned in ranked?
People say losers/winners queue doesn't exist, but tbh i find it kinda hard to believe?
PSA To all Helldivers following the MO
What's the most terrifying ult to hear?
Jeff stole my lunch money
Bg3 players creating their character
Dice Fudging Ruins D&D (A DM's Thoughts)
The European Union is banning the use of virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases.
It's announced that TES6 will have a voiced protagonist and a 4option dialogue wheel, WYD?
Panther ult is apparently over 20 meters tall
Autodidact gameplay
Justice for Worldbreaker
huh, I guess Pelinal hates every race that's non human... wait guys, what's his take on Argonians??
You come home to your main on your bed? How cooked are you?
Nobushi drawing
Is Wizard just a weak sorcerer? Help me build a wizard properly please.
Joel is really trying to teach us
Marvel Rivals Weekend Meta Report: 2025-03-21 (Wolverine, Tank Matchups, and why I don't trust you all)