Kurt is practically a walking soul weapon, and he threw it all away for some underground echo tournament.
Sunny: I raised that monster
poor crow crow
Deaths Gender imbalance (not political, not judging)
Dying isn’t the final step
Who was the bigger simp?
VTB origins
Froudret: Gotta surround me with friends(reflections)
Fanfic update! Chapter 15 of Prince of Death!
Sunny’s cool mask
How Sunny can revive anyone
House of Night
Nephis' not just a cutie
Defying Death
Widescale nt
G3's Big Opportunity
I wonder which personality group the people who read Shadow Slave belong to the most. Which MBTI type are you?
Sunny copied from Eren?
Neph in a tracksuit. Ch 19
Romance Dawn
From Outskirts to Legacies
So how did anvils hunt for condemnation go?
How the 1 vs 13 went
Chapter 19
Sunny's aspect is not at all impressive and doesn't give him an edge.