What kind of cloud?
BREAKING N(s)E(al)WS Yo-Chan has given birth yesterday (FULL VIDEO)!!!
Is my baby olive tree ok?
Seal id??
Daily Seal! I roll a wheel of all the seals I know and post my fav video of them! Today is.. Meme-chan!
Anyone know what kind of cloud this is?
my depression has been kicking my ass and i don’t know what to do
My dad took me off my meds.
Most radioactive piece just sitting around the house 💀💀💀💀
From my due date group on Facebook
McGill Residence Advice
The bathroom door at my school
this guy is livin the life
I'm a 22 year old male that literally does nothing but sit at home all day. What should I do with my life?
Recent Grad Student Admit. What's McGill like?
3rd floor Schulich Friends?
The heart on Katsunori's face is for Yo-Chan. No matter their differences... love wins.
The Fake Chainsaw Man we saw in the last chapter may very well not be the same one we saw before - as it has too many different compared to the other two.
Send me your original character and I'll tell you where they rank on the Gay Tier List
In celebration of Yo-Chans upcoming baby, here's Yo-Chan herself as a baby! My shaylaaa😭❤️❤️(bonus pic of her and Katsunori holding hands)
The Mystery of Hot Dog Baron
ADHD'er with Tattoo's: What's the story?
good news monday
Make the comment section yo chans search history, I'll go first