Do you expect GTA 6 to have better graphics than Death Stranding 2?
Brad Bellick still a bad person
Trailer 2 gets leaked – what’s your reaction?
The thing I'm afraid of in GTA VI
GTA Online Dying?
What do you guys wanna see in a potential season 5?
Opinia o Sławomirze Mentzenie
Own music in GTA Online
If GTAO gave you the option for your character to retire would you do it?
Rockstar Plans in the future
Wich one of these made you rich on gta online
Whats the biggest mistake you've ever did in the game?
It's been xxx day's since.. STOP!
Around 50 fps in GTA VI?
I just randomly got all the rockstar games after subscribing to gta plus
The Mile High Club finished before Trailer 2
Graphic 🔥
My Theory About the Ending of GTA VI
Online or story first?
From the shirt theories, so you guys think trailer 2 will come April 1st, or Rockstar is trolling us, or it will be something GTA V related?
Trailer 2 ! 100 Million Views in 24 Hours?
What's better sandy shores or harmony?
What instantly ruins a pizza?
He look like jason