Lets do it! Top comment decides. Day 1: which song sounds sad, and the lyrics are sad?
Inside jokes
let's hear 'em
If you could choose from all the theories and beliefs of what will happen when you die, what would you choose, and why?
I think it needs to be addressed that if Asami was a man, most of these scenes would be seen as proper romantic build up by 90% of the fan base. The relationship in fact did not come out of nowhere.
what songs got you feeling like this?
Which Miraculous would you have, if you had a choice?
What is an aro ace lesbian? I’m confused
Korra haters, aside from season 2, why?
What are some downsides of being the Avatar?
Whats your favourite MLB out of context quote(s)? ☠️😭
Why do asexuals love garlic bread so much?
What scares you more than dying?
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comments on this post. let’s go!
Any (happy) coming out stories?
Do you think Katara could learn to bloodbend outside of a full moon if she had practiced the technique?
Mr. Damocles is my favorite character and I don't care what y'all say
Star spotted IN BIG CITY GREENS!!!!!!!!
What are you?
Which kwami is the cutest in your opinion?
whos yalls fav canon ace character?
What is a TV show that “everyone” has watched, but you haven’t?
Is my handwriting passable?
Is my hebrew handwriting okay?
Where did Zuko get his Dragon?