Another one done just yesterday, waiting for a good plinth
Started working on the big guy for my army!
You asked for an update and here it is! Cabbage growing, still early days but coming along
Some stuff done on the big guy, lots to go still
Started the big cabbage itself
Finished Gunnar today, long time in the making, C&C welcome!
I am pure Krogan, you should be in awe.
First member of my Waaagh done!
First Rager done, now onto the rest of the army
Continuing my growing army, armour next!
Finally assembling the Waaagh
First Ork of 2025 painted, Zoggrok enters the frey, and he does not mess around!
WIP of the newest project
DC marine ready for basing
Blood Angels Inceptor-Chaplain, the Assault on Bantax
WIP of Jump Packs
Dealing with fights first
Astorath or Lemartes?
Slamguinius in 10th ed
If you are struggling with weapon options on your FOMO box.
Just started need a little advice.
which characters will you try to play?
Took a rest from big scale to do up some Blood Angles on the hype train
Popping enemy transports with the new codex
Dante joins