Bro is obsessed
You get to save ONE member from the OG Guardians of the Globe (excluding Immortal, obviously), who would it be? What use do you think they'd have?
It turns out Sakura does have a clan…and everyone in it is fucking weird
"Hey why don't you just put sage chakra into that seal on your head?"
Which character's are part of your dream blunt rotation?
just imagine
Is tanjiro the only one who actually "breathes"?
Ochako is buff as shit.
Girl please 😭
Why tf do people argue about if Mina is white or black….ANIME IS JAPANESE😭
Invincible Variant this-Invincible Variant that…let’s stop beating around Immortal and say which one is the hottest already.
Invincible Variant this-Invincible Variant that…let’s stop being pussies and say which one is the hottest already.
What would you change about Naruto's fighting style?
"Let it rot in my gut until it's melted into pure chakra."
Could Shinobu beat Daki?
The concept of being a Jinchūriki Is nightmare fuel.
Afo and Yorichi are born with their roles swapped.
In another Invincible Universe
Why do the Akatsuki paint their nails?
Shouto Todoroki faces consequences.
A Momo-centric fic where she learns her family and her opposers runs a family underground auction for AFO.
Absolutely love this series but the biggest missed opportunity was the fact we didn’t 1 arc with the kamaboko squad all together
What would Tanji wouldve learnt if water pillar and insect pillar training were included in the hashira arc?
Mark's "This isn't over" vs Nolan's "We'll talk later."
Would Nolan have fought back against Mark here?