a mix of photos from the last week in patagonia | x-h2s + fujifilm lenses
Morning walk with my new X100VI
Brazil on the x100F
X-E2 to x100vi has been a very welcome upgrade
Took a trip up to Big Bear, CA to celebrate 1 month of marriage and brought along my X100VI
Recreating that 800T look with my Fujifilm X-T5
Trying to figure out why my photos never seem that "crisp" in terms of focus (X-T5, 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8)--settings in comments
Matchmaking closed???????
0-1m followers in exactly 2 months. AMA
Mercedes on the street during a photo walk! [X100VI - Eagle Rock, LA]
One of my recent sets from a photo walk [X100VI]
Walks through neighborhoods in LA [X100VI]
Cool restaurant in LA by The Grove Farmers Market [X100VI]
Japan - Alone (XT5)
Slanted houses makes for a cool perspective [X100VI]
Case Identification
Made the plunge
Trying out a polarizer on the X100VI
Chinooks all evening and night, what’s happening?
Help with film sim!
What bag do you guys use or would recommend?
Neighborhood walk - X100VI
Fujifilm Stimulation Question !!!
1 or 2 {X-Pro3, Fuji 27mm Mk2}