FH5: Series 44 Winter Backstage Vote
Screw zodiac signs
Hotfix released
Plz help
is there a community name for the rock where super samples spawn?
Can someone pls tell me the value of these coins?
Alright overnight crew which one of you put a lock on the trash can to the dishwasher? (USA)
Am I missing something or is there really no frame generation in War Thunder?
Same explosive mass per payload...double the damage to bases?
Most irritating vehicle to play against? I’ll start
10mil sl down, and this thing isn't even a premium I could use to grind easier...
Incredible design. Bombers are not worth landing after dropping bombs.
9.7 Air RB is basicly unplayable now
(USA)Has anyone stopped eating mcdonalds after working there?
enough is enough, playing USA rank VII ground just keeps p*ssing me off, so i'm starting the only nation saving me from insanity now
Why is the ASSTA1 0.4 br higher than the WTD61?
Dont you love it when teammate kills you for no fucking reason?
How many pointless points do you have?
Is there a worse aircraft at its br?
I hate the ice cream machine. (USA)
Anyone else hate airfield campers?
Is the RP not too low??
Would you fight the U.S. if it came to it?
Am i the only one who haven't seen this map in months?
Stop playing just top tier premiums and this game will be fun again