Hi! I’m from the US, and would love to find a good and sticky manure pit to sink in and looking for advice (see below).
Feeling scandalous at the grocery store 🤪
Would you like to do a photoshoot with me? it's about time. 🙈
I just want to be someone’s cute girlfriend… 🥹😌
I got myself so stuck in thick Oklahoma clay! I was wearing a mini skirt and boots. It suctioned right around my boots and held me fast for 90min. All the cars going by and not a single person stopped to help. I was seriously stuck and worried!
Stumbled upon a clay pit in a field while on a night walk yesterday evening. From first glance it did not look nearly as big enough to warrant how deep it was. I sunk FAST! I was shocked at how quickly my legs slipped under.
Will this dress work for Church? If so, come pick me up and let’s go! 😊
Dark blue wedges!
selling my worn out and dirty uggs and i command u to lick them clean
Planning on going for a walk today near a creek or a manure pit. May try and get into a sticky situation and record. Any suggestions on footwear/outfits I should wear?
Currently (as I type this) stuck in creek mud… what do I do? Any help is appreciated. I can’t seem to get my legs out and every time I struggle I just sink deeper. My Uggs are completely under. Any help is appreciated!
Planning on going for a walk today near a creek or a manure pit. May try and get into a sticky situation. Any suggestions on footwear/outfits I should wear?
Is it okay if I wear this outfit around you? 🥹
We plan a date and you pick me up and see me dressed in this outfit… where are we going for the date? 🤔
Hi, all! If you have liked my posts and sinking pictures so far, I’d love it if you’d take the time and check out my YouTube channel! I’ve got content dedicated to sinking in cute outfits and shoes. Please let me know what you think!
Where would you take me on a date if you picked me up and I was wearing this? 😊
Yeah, I'm not as fit as everyone else, but it's all about personality anyways, right? 😅
Which pose is your favorite? 👢
Do you prefer Uggs styled with normal or flare leggings?
Here’s another photo from a different visit to the dried up pond a few months ago. This time I was in leggings. The clay bed was thick!
My pink and black wellies go great with leggings!
Would you take me to the drive-ins in this outfit? ☺️
Going to a dance club in OKC this weekend and debating on which outfit to wear… the dress or skirt?? I would love to hear your recommendation and thoughts on why! 😄
Got myself seriously stuck in some creek mud in Oklahoma a weekend ago. I was wearing my beautiful blue wellies, tights, and a mini skirt. I was stuck for about 45min trying to get my legs free.
Throwback to about five months ago when a dam was being worked on in my hometown and the water was extremely low. I decided to explore the uncovered bottom and wound up in a sticky situation in my dress!