Who else would love a deceiver model with a grin like this?
Drawing Togashi's slickback haired vhs tape collecting leaders
Is Illumi on the same level of the likes of Hisoka & Chrollo?
What do you think of Giorno?
My General Grievous Hexmark Destroyer Conversion
Awesome berserk choker I got
What's your favourite stand in terms of visual design?
Favorite OneyPlays moments that live rent free in your mind.
How'd kira do his hair like that?????
In your opinion which Arc had the best fights?
Rank The Series
I converted a model into the Skull Knight for Warhammer 40k
My C'tan Skull Knight Conversion - from the manga series Berserk
The "Ghost Strider" - Canoptek of the Infernokh Dynasty
What's an opinion about the series that you'll die on
which one is better in ur opinion?
Deciver ctan project
My Doom Hunter Necron Destroyer Custom inspired by Doom Eternal
My Necron Overlord - Torchbearer Cindrekh
Way too much glow but am learning
What’s the general opinion on which Monolith is better?
Just had my very own Gaither’s Pond moment
When does censoring stop on streaming services?