S12: E7 Rona???? At the IIA orientation
Amazing Community man
Just some screenshots (vanilla)
Do we know why this was at Ivy's place?
How can I process this reaction from someone I thought was my best friend for decades, and would be for many more to come?
First Look at the Cyclops (John Goodman) in Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey (2026)
Give me a song
My favorite "phrasing, boom!"
S3: E9 Archers Real father?
Scientists aiming to bring back woolly mammoth create woolly mice
I loved my journey on pk white 2
Uh, Zuko, what are you doing...?
What sign 🤔
Call an ambulance! But not for me!
Does anyone else have one of these?
It’s all coming together
Should i play black and white?
Whose nose is this?
First time beating E4
That’s one way to save a child
i literally turned my volume up
My Inquisitor's little dance
Anyone else think this guy was more of a psychopath than Ross?!