Question about cards
Which one to pick? I’ve been thinking about cyclops but I’m pretty close putting him to t3
dimension rift
Spider man or iron man? I already have Thor and cap
Any chance beating knull with this?
Which one to focus on first?
Returning player, what should I do first?
Whatever this is
anyone else feels like the new ranked is such a chore? having to play so much ranked in order to deplete all this xp, idk how much you can accumulate
Loki thought his healing could save him
will there ever be a melee support?
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
Every game is like this, I will never get to gold. How is it even possible to have 100 heals as rocket
I Finally unlocked this star lord after grinding the achievements
What do these icons mean?
Who could John Cena play in the MCU?
This kind of hate does not belong in this game!
Ranked marvel rivals characters based on what sexuality I think they are
Which character was this for you?
My 24 most wanted characters to marvel rivals do you guys think they have any chance of joining marvel rivals
Whats your pick for the most boring/unfun character to play against?
New event has 320 units
Who are the least fun heros to play against?
Can’t get out of gold