Well. I lost my first 50/50.
So,APPEARENTLY,my friend has pulled Rosaria 75 times since she started playing mid 2021
what was “supposed” to be your name?
Is the 50/50 even real
What was your first 5 star(s)?
Is Citlali good for Chasca?
What does c1 change for chasca?
Just got chasca on 20 pity?? First time winning 50/50
Location of work
Whats a character that took yall so long to get?
How many people has this happened to
Is this a good team?
Who should I pair with mualani?
No Job Experience
Since 5.0 is over, who did you guys end up getting in 5.0?
How bad will Cs hurt my chances?
Free 5* Character will now be rewarded every Anniversary
To ALL F2P Players: WHO is your 1ST & MOST RECENT 5 star?
Did I ruin my chance?
Do you feel like your 100k-120k student debt was worth it?
JACKPOT! How rare is this???
Sakura was eliminated. Vote for your next elimination. After 3 hrs it will be decided.
What is the saddest song you have ever heard in your life?
What's the worst thing you've ever found in your food at a restaurant?