So...i really like this panel.
If you were getting married this weekend, would you wear this watch on your wedding day?
Sooo.....wheres marvin?
How to replicate/do a 2017X voice
Would you rather
Does sonic have enough copycats of himself to hit each category?
Favorite EVIL doppelgänger?
Traumatize your fandom with one image
Who would've been the love interest if sonic was female
I just beat Sonic Unleashed, ask me anything!!!
Favorite characters who are based on an animal you don't like
Characters whose last names are just what animals they are
Do you consider the IDW Comics cannon?
I am So Lonely, Tails
I am so lonely, Tails
If you were knuckles how would’ve you responded?
El Imbécil
This scene melts me
Real question. Is Vanilla a Single Mother or a Widow?
Whose File did Sonic see?
Nice servers overwatch
Favorite green character?
What character should I master(image unrelated)
Would you rather jonkle or swipe?
Replace the first name of your favorite game with fuck