Hilks can Cool-Aid Man through city walls.
This Helldiver deserves a medal. Even with no arms, no legs and even no head, he still fights for Democracy.
Serial Mom (John Waters, 1994)
Both mechs have a hidden fuel meter
WIth the lose of factory hub the exosuits now run out of fuel as well.
TIL That many competitive Scrabble players quit playing competitively after hundreds of “offensive” words were banned, including racial slurs, sexuality and gender insults.
My fellow Helldivers, I’m caught in a bad storm and might not make it out, if I don’t make it out I want you all to know, it was an honor serving with you all.
New "Curtain" for the Gameroom! o7
In perfect confluence to last week's 'Angriest' post, what is your favourite lay back and let it take you away song?
So what is this? Are there underground roads? Or is this a parking garage?
Released 34 years ago today. Still a great Rem album
"Inception" world building was too good to use in just one movie
Democracy Delivered
Playhouse Cinema
What film made you realize docs could be just as good if not better than narrative films
Sometimes the game just says Nope.
Trump said that Canada just now called and said they would NOT cut off electricity.
Why do you stay with your faction?
Tactical Replay: THE WINNER IS...
This is what a Rocket Striders rocket looks like.
I’m convinced most these people didn’t actually finish She-Hulk
Pierce Brosnan Says Future James Bond "Must Not Be American"
Decent Canadian beer?
Factory Strider takes it personally.
Best Song to Helldive to?