[Cupid Parasite, Sympathy Kiss, Virche Evermore] Business Owners: Bone, Bride, or Banish? Shelby, Shuya, and Yves
[General] "I can't be swimming with a bunch of 5 year olds! They can be so cruel when they sense weakness..." "That's why on the first day, you have to beat up the biggest one in the yard." "Knuckles, that's prison." "Only if you let it be." (Day 226 of Family Feud otome edition)
[Butterfly Poison] The Incessistible LOGIC of the Mizuhito Route (·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ ) (major spoilers)
[General] You can adopt 3 of these cutie-pie animal companions. Who is coming home?
r/otomegames User Flair Update 2025
[General] It's poetry in motion; she turned her eyes to me, as deep as any ocean, as sweet as any harmony but she blinded me with science and failed me in biology! (Were you blinded with science on Day 225 of Family Feud otome edition?)
[Jack Jeanne] side characters in MLP
[General] I don't have a cool title for you today, so instead I'll tell you you're a beautiful human being and totally deserve happiness and don't let other people tell you otherwise! (Day 224 of Family Feud otome edition)
[General] Who is your current LI and would you date the man in Real Life?
[General] I wake up every morning and wish I could play basketball with my friends... but then I remember I am a horse... :( (Day 223 of Family Feud otome edition)
[even if TEMPEST] AnaTyril Fanart <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Say something nice about an otome game that you couldn’t get into
Thoughts on the new outfit for MC?
[even if Tempest FD] Dear heavens, why is he so ikemen in the FD 😵💫🙈💕
[General] Tu non lo sai come vorrei ridurre tutto ad un giorno do sole. Tu non lo sai come vorrei saper guardare indietro. Senza fare sul serio, senza fare sul serio... Come vorrei distrarmi e ridere. (Day 221 of Family Feud otome edition)
[9 R.I.P.] All the bonus content (almost, I tried)
[General] If I just keep going like this, I'll have no tomorrow. So I'll try releasing these contradicting feelings. Each moment that I accept my sorrows fills me with precious light to illuminate that once hazy path. (Day 220 of Family Feud otome edition)
Hello everyone - I've finished the love interest for my game - i would love some feedback !
Show me who you THOUGHT would be your main LI at the start of the game and who it turned out to be!
[General] Pay the toll to the angels, drawing circles in the clouds. Keep your mind on the distance when the devil turns around. Hold me in your heart tonight, in the magic of the dark moonlight. Save me from this empty fight in the game of life. (Day 218 of Family Feud otome edition)
[General] It's time to recall my trueness from the memories of darkness. Even if endless grief consumes the entire world. I can feel my blazing heart; the only thing deserves to believe. Step into the fire and see... it starts again! (Day 217 of Family Feud otome edition)
First time playing Amnesia
[General/Winter's Wish] This melody that I'm playing out is calling you-- "Seek out your beautiful ending", they say. Even though it can't come true in this world. (Day 216 of Family Feud otome edition) (+fluff)
Sylus Ordinary Traces | New Year card ❤️
[General] Day 2 of r/otomegames being deprived of another actual title because the OP is running on 1% battery, sending help is optional. (Day 215 of Family Feud otome edition)