Arena doesn't give account XP?
Does Vladimir guest of honor have lower appearance chance?
What happened to the 3 individual missions per champion?
My fame level got stuck at 1 with 980/1300 XP
We NEED to speak up. No QoL updates, no fixes, nothing. Do Devs care about this game at all?
Supporter Card reworks
Vladimir guest of honor is extremely fun
New EX Tier List - A2a Triumphant Light expansion
Does this have potential to be the new Magnezone?
My “DarKeus” Deck - Any suggestions for supporters?
Now I need two more
Any Arceus Ex decks yall playin with?
Discussion: Lum Berry should clear Leafeon and Torterra's special statuses.
Isn’t this his shiny variant?
Unown and Croagunk shown in the new trailer amongst other unidentifiable cards
Based on the Last game i played (there wasnt a meme tag)
New leaks, including 2 new EX.
Irina new care leak
Calling it now, this will be a strong deck once A2a comes out (spoilers/leaks)
Im calling it this guy stocks will soar.
So...basically Skarmory right?
I stand corrected this guy is actually busted
What is the best way to run a mesprit deck?
The ultimate PKMN company approved deck showcase
A2a Card Symbol Meaning + Ability Deciphering