Latest additions from Dean and Nat @Heydaytattoo Southend
Alright, I'm buying, what you having?
Why is my Pothos dying?
Younger me got mad pussy
23M moved to essex
What Body Fat Percentage do I look like?
What’s a quote from ASIP you say a lot?
My 3D printing setup
Will a SAP save me?
Does anyone know what this means?
I need haaallppp. My teenager right f*%ked my bathtub with hairdye. Any tips? I'm a renter 😢
Was this tattoo a bad idea?
Dealership said needs replacing. How many miles do I have left?
Rust on tire inner plate
Splinter help pls
Please help me id this gun. All I know is that it is a gas powered m-16
My E&L AK parts got a little rusty. How do I clean them?
Could I get in trouble for buying and wearing this t-shirt?
Some tattoos I did last time(simoneberto_tattooer Latina,Italy InkedSoul tattoo shop)
This lady kicked my dog
Best place to get prescription flasses
Trying to install a dashcam but have a few questions.
I hope they get their deliveries.
Has your workplace been “audited”, or anywhere you know? And what do you think to “auditors”?
What shall I name my baby based on his scan