German plane straffing tank and soviet horses (Estern Front/1943)
Recherche sur mon arrière grand père pendant la 1GM
German plane strafing Soviet tanks (no sound)
Eruption of Vesuvius in 1944
Insane footage showing a Stuka attack on Soviets during the Second Battle of Kyiv (December 1943)
German flak against allied troops (September 1944)
Verdun, 1916.
Footage around Fort Vaux, Verdun 1916.
French D1 tank with FT17 turret
Footage from the 3rd battle of Kharkov (1943).
Panzerwerfer 42 in action on Estern Front (1943)
If anyone has any idea what this thing is?
The sinking of HMS Barham, 1941 (HD).
Clandestine arms factory (a Błyskawica submachine gun can be seen) during the Warsaw Uprising
Different footage (Polish side) of the Warsaw uprising (1944).
Different footage (German side) of the Warsaw uprising (1944).
Krupp K5 (Anzio Express) in action (Italy 1944)
German plane strafing tank and horses (Eastern Front 1943).
British forces attack german convoy in Mediterranean Sea (1942)
A British torpedo plane is attacked by anti-aircraft guns (1943)
Double Hotchkiss machine gun
15cm SFH 13/1 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)
Elsenborn on HLL and in December 1944.
Italian artillery in the desert (1942)
What is this german tank ?