(NSFW) Ladies, what’s our sex life looking like 4 months PP?
....sue rose?
I guess Sue Rose really is gonna keep trying until they get a girl 😅
Just found out I am pregnant at 20 years old.
Irish triplets- stroller?
if you had to get rid of one these characters, who would it be and why?
What to do while pregnant?
Selling tickets
Did you keep pregnancy secret?
Am I making a mistake?
If you thought the drama and stupidity was bad the last time….may I formally introduce the beginning of 3.0. Kay is CRYING because…….
Such an angry man
Honest opinion
C-section niche
C section niche
Possibly pregnant
Threatened with PIP
How I made vyvanse more effective (without supplements)
I don’t know how to make this drug be consistent and I’m done trying. It’s not worth it. What alternatives have worked for you?
Scar massage
Is it possible to purposefully lower heart rate?
Upped to 40mg this week… holy crap.
5 years later and 100lbs heavier