i just beated isshin and idk what to do now
call me crazy
Did these people even play the game?
My tier list of bosses in general(please don't crucify me🙏)
i think ive just found a new flair code or whatever tf its called
What made you like Soulsborne genre and what are your thoughts on it.
Which Sekiro boss was this ?
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.. Steam key Giveaway no.3 - The finale
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.. Steam key Giveaway no.2!
Pls help
Chi-chan (3D1viner)
what direction would you have liked to see sif's character go?
Finally beat this glowing son of a b!&ch
Spotted Mumbai’s first 5070
Can she solo beerus ?
I might be addicted to Gwent...
Roach has successfully infiltrated Tsushima
Imagine being bad at your own faction
I just realized this cool detail
Surely Geralt’s favorite type of portal.. one thats only accessible by jumping off a tower
I finally did it!!
Are these legit?
Came across a huge cryptobiote field
Comment your favourite smile meme