Some photos of the new bridge coming along
CSA W59 - Max Oversized for fabricated fillet weld vs drawing
Construction of Port Mann Bridge (Taken '62/'63)
Lloyd McWaters at his desk, Dominion Bridge Co. (Early '60s)
I want some bizarre movie recommendations 😂🙏
Why people hate on bush guards? If I didn’t have one, I would’ve smashed my bumper, now I just to bend some aluminum back into shape
Squamish River Valley
Rocky roads. How sharp is to sharp.
Rebar Detailer
Mind the Gap!
The next time you think about posting to ask how you the industry uses AI, remember that this is the current state of AI
Pattullo Bridge Replacement Progress, 2024-Nov-17
Voting Day
I started playing this driving game where I count white teslas on my route. Road only, parking doesn't count
Those running Bilstein 5100s i have questions!
A landscape I did some time ago of the Coast Mountains of BC
How expensive is this going to be?
Scaffold Highrise
A most delicate balancing act!
Remember what happened to the Hudson Bay Company when people stopped shopping there because it was overpriced.
Two-Way Stop Sign, Who Goes First
For the love of intuitive controls who made this decision?
BF’s arms not hairy enough for this watch
Bathtub not draining
TIL: BC has several highways numbered with 3 digits.