I'm so done with people calling me a "simp" because of the way I treat my girlfriend
would he work in a pure saiyan team
Can I still build when switching to much lower weights?
Lets just get this out of the way. Kid Goku is the best TUR.
Who yall hoping for on Saiyan Day?
Quiero tirarme a una amiga, pero tiene novios
iSeriously seemingly teasing Saiyan Day
Sparking zero's content creators need to stop making YouTube videos about this game for a few days or weeks, let the developers and bandai namco realize how bad they messed up with this otherwise they won't fix SZ until they release the next game.
Avaces me arrepiento de haber escogido la hijueputa universidad
Friend keeps trying to assign gender roles to my cat.
Is coining Global or Diamaku worth it at the moment?
Locking Units
For ppl still wondering wtf Pan's holding in this cutscene
For the love of everything , PLEASE update it so we dont have to watch this every time
Which Anniversary had the most game-changing units for its time?
Should I do it or wait?
Its been 20 years and we still don't know what the fuck this is?
Does anyone have a STR Lord Slug as their friend unit that can let me use him?
Is teq gogeta worth the red coins?
How to proceed??
What's the best way to farm elder/grans kais?
Is 10th Ani Vegito the best F2P unit of all time?
If this isn’t what it seems, how bad do you think the backlash will be?
me metí con una cristiana y fue lo peor que me pasó
Im going to come out of the anniversary with none of the units and im ready to quit the game