Whats a band that u don’t understand how they became popular
I think Easy Anti-cheat is not working so well.
Those listening skills...
Those of you who weren't raised with metal/grew up with other genres, what got you into it?
Australians, do you feel bad that Americans have to endure the next 4 years?
It's not just you: Currently known bugs & issues
What’s the best cod names you’ve seen over the years?
Nitro express aperture toggle option
What's the difference between the girl that you only want to smash vs the girl that you want to date?
Crytek said they’re committed to fixing bugs entering 2025, so let’s help ‘em keep the ball rolling: What’s your next highest-priority issue after the Update 2.3 Teaser?
Are there any chubby/fat male hunters in the game beside the Redneck?
He was not lying tho
Tears of Joy
Look...but don't touch
The amount of max level players on high difficulty that dont understand they can heal a mortal wound is driving me insane
I'm disappointed in myself
How Bulwark mains feel after only using their banner only when THEY need it
Apology accepted.
What are your favorite “fuck it I’m having fun” loadouts?
Sound is still broken
Could we do the Community Weapon Skin Contest again?
God forbid a girl uses her powers for good and not evil
God forbid a girl wants to feel full-filled in life
Genuine question
Bounty clash till 10th feb is cooked