What's something about college that really surprised you?
MOS discussion
Slow run speed chances
Why do marines join the army
What truly motivates you to become a USMC 2LT?
Tips/Discussion on LOR’s
How do I convince my wife that it is not so easy to 'just let it go please'
Wondering how competitive
Servers Down?
Maintenance.... Do or dont?
2nd Gen is the Best Gen!
What should I do about this rust?
I’m tired of trying and getting no where.
dis gameplay on ps5 is next level
What do you do when you have 3 hours with nothing to do?
Who would win? The Qu or the combine from HL2?
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My 67 year old dad
Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - May 08, 2022
Elon Musk Will Fund Twitter Deal With Money From Countries That Suppress Free Speech
Greg Abbott Reveals the GOP’s Plan After Killing Roe v. Wade: Killing Public Education
A general statement/thank you to everyone at thetagang
Market Manipulation 5.0 - Here's how Market Makers keep you Losing Money on Stocks that Seem Good and Safe using Social Media - You Are Helping Them
I can't post on reddit beacuse of karma