AIO To My Mom’s Response
Making The Decision To Go To My First Meeting
My boyfriend (22M) hit me (20F) but not that hard
WIBTA If I Tried To Push Tattoo Removal On Someone?
AIO For Dumping My "Bestie" After She Didn't Wish Me Happy Birthday?
how do you accept it
songs with the color blue in it
AIO UPDATE: “friend” gave me 🍃brownies without my knowledge or consent.
How To Quit Without Going Cold Turkey?
OKC keeps sending me dumb notifications, then won't let me log in
Finally Happened
Swat Team Sightings
How safe is taking the Metro A line between Pasadena and Union Station? From a female perspective.
The #1 thing I’ve learned from being on adhd meds
GTA "Reality"?
ADHD With Bipolar Disorder?