The power of upper belt poker face
Good morning! I'm looking at buying a new outback wilderness. What did you pay for yours?
need a Fighters brain to pick, please
SUV with good trunk space and off road capabilities
Toyota owner I come in ☮️
My husband and I have been shopping around for a 4Runner can someone help adjust our budget/expectations?
Beginner first Shotgun
What’s your pick?
Would you buy a 2022 that had two owners and 79k miles on it?
Anyone go from a Tacoma to 4runner?
Are you looking for night vision homies?
Asthmatic - positions you dislike ?
What show should I watch next?
Anybody have suggestions on where to get wood furniture for this bad boy? Love the gun, don’t like hogue
Is this the Tacoma Tick?
Is nogi becoming more popular than gi these days?
[WTS] Drippy Aimpoint T2 with AMD mount.
Whats a good guard to learn first?
I may be alone, but I’d love to see Mason Rudolph as the starter
Looking at a 2nd gen?
How would the top grapplers in MMA today do against elite BJJ competitors in a pure grappling match?
First Shotgun Advice
Blue collar folk, do you bring “nice” knives to work?
Go learn Gracie Combatives, then return to my gym?