Should I report this microaggressive interaction at a volunteer event?
What is it like being a mixed race person if you are completely white passing?
When colleges overstate how close they are to a major city
What was the worst boss or work experience you ever had?
What is the most interesting search rabbit hole you’ve gone down recently?
How do you handle some people not accepting you for who you are?
If you could have lunch with one dead person, who would it be?
Songs that have car honking sounds in them.
Does anyone else get anxious and overwhelmed when someone is hounding you to fix a problem you didn’t cause?
Since so many people have completely stopped caring how their actions affect other people, , what are some signs we can post to tell people not to do the stupid and inconsiderate things they're doing?
Going to a restaurant right before they close is not rude. What's rude is posting hours that you claim you're Open but are expecting people to act like you're not.
“TrY bEiNg WhItE iN 2025”
Do you genuinely dislike someone just because your friend has issues with them?
What’s a 'legal but morally wrong' thing that people do all the time?
Reddit is full of negative, paranoid and unhealed people
“Pet free” people or people who hate the existence of animals for no reason
Not everyone needs to be in a relationship to be happy.
This episode is infuriating
[NO SPOILERS] Life Is Strange is woke done right
DAE get anxiety when someone knocks on the front door?
What is something you regret about losing a close friend?
When you add a dealbreaker in your dating app profile, and people who it applies to match with you anyway and act like they should be an exception.
if you’re mixed but white passing, are you a person of color? what about if you’re 50% white but not white-passing? does it change?
People lying about ethnicities to get acting roles
New nails color 🍑 idk how i feel 🤔