Every patch
QoL suggestion: "ping enemy" should work after death the same way the general ping does
I’d love to go to the gym, but I’m too scared. what should I do?
PSA: A World Turned Upside Down Bug (Again)
Would you consider a 5'6 guy as a partner instead of a taller one? How would you decide?
Serena's Skill set and Modules
My birthday is coming up!! Please kindly help me choose my own present?
IMHO: Wilds makes MH playable for busy adults again.
Do your parents support you when you are unemployed?
What the Shimada dragons and Kiriko's fox are?
Name change
Bro, what do you do at this point?
Good job Overwatch the game feels so fresh and exciting i cant even know what to say.
new update dropping in 1 hour got me like
A handful of protestors were out today, some with megaphones, coming to terms with their choices
This will happen again tomorrow (with the new season)?
What maps are you never going to vote for?
Well I just completed the drive and - wait, WHY is it misaligned?!?
Bottoms who have topped but didn’t like it, what was it about it that you didn’t like?
Drives is fun...comp is fun...
You're trying *now*?
Comp Points Cap Q
That absolute chad unit of Esiemo <3
fruit plates are just so pretty