Map of Europe in a "what if" -video
why is being a virgin a bad thing…?
I'm addicted to porn but still feel ace. Am I a fraud
That’s gross
Any asexual female here?
I think abortions should be legal.
What flag is this? (Randomly found in gallery)
Roses are red, my friend listens to Britney Spears
How would your OC react to getting misgendered?
Shit! I accidentally ____ my sister.
Invalid if I’m not a nun
i want this t-shirt
Bentellect tries to clap back against charlie A YEAR LATER after charlies video on bentellects disgusting DMs
This dude is still crying over something that happened years ago .
I am an ace gamer who loves dragons, plushies, and traveling. How’s it going?
Isn’t penis enlargement also a “gender-affirming” surgery? What other things fall under this category?
Man just sometimes queer spaces are weird about aces
Fundie asexual
People who say second place is the worst place to be
People who coughs on their HAND
People who go out of their way to hate on something they don’t like
____ is so fucking gay.
There’s this guy. His name is _____. We don’t like _____.
Adolf Hitler was a _______ guy.
Let's pretend the year is 1989, what would you be talking about back then?