Gerd made me hypochondriac 😭
People say my eyes are scary
Took me 4 days of gametime in TFR but i finally got the last Treasure Zombie Part!
Whats the most outlandish thing that psychosis has convinced you of during an episode?
Do you feel like you need more alone time since getting DPDR?
Bro looks like a ghost in the mirror/painting
As of right now, what are your thoughts on the Black Ops 6: Zombies crew?
Anyone still do challenges for zombies?
Erma emp user = no showers
Shadows in The Final Reich
Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
I can't believe there are so many players cheating on a seven-year-old CoD
What are your panic attack symptoms?
I don't want my friend to kill himself
Does it ever get better?
My friend noticed some similarities between Manson's OAUG music video and an animated fan video I created a few years ago. What do you think?
Whats your tahajjud dua that came true?
Have you ever experienced Hell?
jesus christ why does it take so long to recover?
How many of you have had a ‘Turns out it wasnt just anxiety, there actually was something wrong!’ moment?
Nicotine withdrawal induces dpdr
I'm going through such a decline in life
i got cancer
If you were to pick three albums from any artist to listen to for the rest of your life, which ones you picking?
Which musician is this?