A video
Excavating hard clay with a Hydrovac and DigPig nozzle.
It’s tough out here.😮💨
Hydro Flexing on the competition.😏💪
Excavation hard clay with a Hydrovac and DigPig nozzle.
It’s a gift.😅
What would you do if she climbed into your cabin?
Brand new sexy truck. Hope I get this truck assigned to me 🙏
Why was this declined?
This year's beard was to grey to handle at 43. Before and after.
Transwest Booth 2025 WWETT Show.
Hydro Excavation. Locating underground fiberoptic conduit and opening a pit for connections to be made.
Anyone ever ran one of these Schellvacs?
Why do so many people still go to Tim Hortons?
So satisfying..
Yes, very pathetic and embarrassing!!
My favorite part is when her hand is right behind the shitty plastic piece that she's blasting a drill bit through
Mom hack to repurpose baby playpen
Recycling tires and rims
Rat eating Salmon at Barrie Farm Boy
What would you do, driver?
248lb down to 155lb!
Whats your favorite nozzle
Great F#€kin day tomorrow
Don't be this guy