Songs titles that are just cars
“I” single version is showing the album’s version lyrics
is this worth it
What is Future's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Think we all know who
who's your mcsm hear me out?
Thoughts on sza going to the Super Bowl with Kendrick
You get to be trained by any character dead or alive, who do you choose and why?
Would you go back in time to talk to 16 yr old kdot?
When are we gonna get an official yt music port to Xbox?
chat which seat is dis best?
What is something you would like to see Kendrick do before he hangs up the mic?
can we talk abt how kendrick doesnt have a single bad song
Songs that mention drugs in the title
Songs with "California" in title
How much music do you listen to?
Fast Songs Of Any Genere
songs that have their track number [in their respective album] in the title
Is there any way to delete all my emails
Songs that aren’t religious but mention God
Most underrated songs?
What was the first thing that came to your mind when these colors showed up? (No Cheating)
Can anyone recreate this skin
Songs that say a slur